Hello everyone, I’m Pitt from China

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Messaggi: 2
Iscritto il: 17 mag 2021, 11:41

Hello everyone, I’m Pitt from China

Messaggio da zhujianhua726 » 18 mag 2021, 05:32

I like electric motorcycles and I like to make modifications.

Site Admin
Messaggi: 187
Iscritto il: 18 set 2020, 18:09
Località: Reggio Emilia

Re: Hello everyone, I’m Pitt from China

Messaggio da paolo » 18 mag 2021, 07:27

Hi Pitt welcome!

Are you a supersoco owner? Being in China it should be easy to find custom parts!
Super Soco TCMax 2020

Messaggi: 2
Iscritto il: 17 mag 2021, 11:41

Re: Hello everyone, I’m Pitt from China

Messaggio da zhujianhua726 » 20 mag 2021, 05:59

Yes, I have a TC-Max. I am planning DIY a battery(72V55AH), then change the Controller. can drive faster.

Site Admin
Messaggi: 187
Iscritto il: 18 set 2020, 18:09
Località: Reggio Emilia

Re: Hello everyone, I’m Pitt from China

Messaggio da paolo » 20 mag 2021, 07:25

woah! Keep up updated on your DIY battery and all the modifications you'll do on the Bike!

Personally, I'm looking for a way to increase the autonomy (the number of kilometers I can do with a single charge), because 70 km with a single charge is what I have with the default TCMax - but it's too low for me
Super Soco TCMax 2020
